DEXIS™ DEXcam™ 4 HD Intra-oral Camera

DEXIS announces its next generation intra-oral camera, DEXcam 4 HD. This camera’s high-definition, true-to-color photos can play a vital part of the dental professional’s diagnosis, educational, and treatment acceptance goals. These images can be easily shared, along with X-rays and CariVu™ images, with partnering doctors so that patients can gain the most benefit from multifaceted treatment. Dental professionals can use DEXcam 4 HD images to keep a clear history of improvement or decline of the patient’s oral health over time and can document clinical findings for treatment in pre-determination claims to insurance carriers. Also new is DEXcapture, the companion software to DEXcam 4 HD, which provides an innovative and highly effective way to acquire and compare images. The software’s guided and flexible workflow puts the clinician in charge! For more information, visit

Video for DEXcapture is at
